Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Harry Potter MMO, or Lack Thereof

Originally, I was going to do a post today about new class ideas. But, after reading this article over on Massively, decided the Harry Potter mmo discussion was much more pertinent.

I understand that this property has probably been discussed endless times on blogs already. However, I feel the need to weigh in, given the fact that: THIS IS BULLSHIT.

Before I start in on my little shit storm, let me just say that, yes, I did attempt to read Twilight. But, it was apparent to me very quickly that hypersexualized tween stories about vampires were just not my thing; at least not after reading much higher quality vampire novels.

So, why is Twilight being made into a game and Harry Potter not? Nobody asked for a Twilight mmo! Most teens who read crap like Twilight don't play video games and those that do are perfectly happy playing Wii Sports and probably have no clue as to what an mmo is*. On the other hand, fans have been hoping and speculating for a while now on whether an mmo would ever be set in the realm of our favorite evil-vanquishing boy-wizard. Whoever the complete dumb ass (Mrs. Rowling excluded) is that decided to sit on this property and not develop it into what would almost certainly be a massive hit should be shot, several times.

After recently seeing this sixth movie and subsequently deciding to re-read the series from book two, a near endless stream of ideas has come into my head regarding what could be done with this mmo. A few are as follows:
  • Set it during the first wizard war before Harry was born in order to create factions.
  • If Rowling has direct input in the storyline, this setting would allow her to flesh out the back story without requiring her to write any more books, which she has more or less made clear she probably will not do.
  • The inevitable expansions could be based around expanding out of England to the major battles that were hinted at all over the world.
  • Start all characters at Hogwarts and by level 10 allow them to decide to become Death Eaters or part of the Order of the Phoenix.
  • For all those bitching about class systems, it wouldn't even have to be class based...because everyone is a wizard! Make it skill based and allow players to specialized in different types of magic. Ex: herbology = healers, defense against the dark arts/dark arts = tank, care of magical creatures = pet style tank/dps, charms = dps, potions = support/buffs/healing?
Now, I am not advocating that a game with a fan base of this size and dedication be rushed to release, just to appease drooling idiots like myself. There is one very good example of a large franchise turned into a lackluster mmo. If they are going to do Harry Potter, I think everyone will agree, they need to do it right or not at all. Despite my disdain that was the impetus for this blog, I would also say that a game based on Twilight should be done well or not at all, too. All dedicated fans expect and deserve quality.

So, when we're done adapting games that no one actually asked for, can someone please get to work on our beloved Harry Potter?


*I didn't have time to talk to her before writing this, but I will send a message to a friend of mine who is Twilight's target audience and get her expert opinion on this matter.


  1. A Harry Potter MMO..... please don't make me puke cats on fire.

    It seems that every tom, dick and harry have some stupid idea for an MMO these days, which usually involve a established IP, which of course perpetulate the status quo of unoriginal game mechanics, in an effort to make a quick buck.

    The end result is almost always a hatchet job to the original IP, and just adds to the growing landfull of crappy MMO's/games.

    Don't get me wrong, Twilight is a piece of shit, and if someone were to turn it into an MMO, they deserve a dogshit bullet right between the eyes.
    Of course this is mostly subjective, because I just hate bastardizations of good books or movies/series, by turning it into some half-assed game.

    I like Harry Potter, and I don't want to see it tortured like this.


  2. I think it would be a great if there was a Harry Potter mmo, but there is a lot to think about. I don't think that it should be set when Snape, Lily, and James went to school because it would work better if things from the book were in the mmo.

    Please visit http://sites.google.com/site/hpmmorpgidea/

  3. honestly, i'd like to see a HP MMO. But they would have to get it right, instead of making some peice of horseshit crappy MMO that they just tossed out there so rabid fans will jerk off and give them money. They should think about it, and give each little thing some though. I like the whole skill system that Max suggested, but I think it would be better to set it in a Post-Harry Hogwarts. That way the game could expand on the story and introduce new villans, areas, and adventures, instead of adhering to the main story, because I dont want Voldemort to be a raid boss when in actuallity Harry kills him. I'd rather it be some new dark wizard, or at the very least new adventure spots, recently discovered areas of the Forbidden Forset, etc. Also, I don't think it should be confined to the school and surrounding area. While Hogwarts is a big place, it would frankly get boring after a while. I think you should have Hogwarts as a big area where everyone starts as getting sorted, and then they level up (1-10 would be first year, you learn basic spells and such, 2nd year would be 11-20, you start putting in skill points or choose your "class", like auror, ministry wizard, herbologist and take classes that are based around those skills, etc.) Then after you graduate, you are now in the "end game content" where you go and fight raid bosses (Dragons? Giants?) Participate in big events (Quidditch?)

    Those are just some ideas i'd like to see if they made an HP MMO.

    I just want them to do a good job.
