Sunday, November 29, 2009

Birthdays = Relevancy!

Just the other day, yesterday in fact, I had a birthday. I'm now twenty; yay, go me, etc etc. And because I'm on the long Thanksgiving weekend from school my parents were nice enough to give me my presents early. I'm tempted to give a run down of my console gaming history, but perhaps that is best left for another time. Anyway, long story short, I received an XBox 360 and several games!

My mother, being the incredibly smart and frugal woman that she is, bought a Pro way back when they went on sale before being discontinued, so it was fairly cheap! The games I got were: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Borderlands, and The Orange Box.

So, now I feel much more relevant and capable of talking about current games! In particular, I have had my eye on Oblivion for a while. I absolutely loved Morrowind for what it did the with completely open-world concept and so far Oblivion feels like a much more polished Morrowind. I get the feeling this is the game they wanted to make, originally. It is such a beautiful game. I've probably spent the most time in there so far. I've never thought about roleplaying a game before, but Oblivion has actually sparked ideas in me. I'm considering doing some blog posts in character about some of my characters quests in game; I'll have to see.

Next, there's Borderlands. I'm not a huge fan of shooters on the consoles (unless, ironically, they are on the Wii) but so far I've played through the tutorial and it seems like a really fun FPS-RPG hybrid with the emphasis on shoot, kill, loot; rather than stat managing. I'm also a sucker for the slick art style. I should get more time with it over my month long Holiday Break.

The Orange Box I haven't played at all yet, but will probably get to eventually. According to just about everyone, you're life isn't complete until you've played Portal. So, I'll see if the outrageous accounts of gaming godliness are justified. I did play part of Half-Life 2 on the original XBox a long time ago, and to be completely honest it is probably some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game. So, I can't wait to start playing that again and *fingers crossed* finish a BIG IMPORTANT GAME.

I tend to never finish games unless they are pitifully easy.

So, while I own a Wii, I'm not sure I would consider it current gen. It's sort of in a league of its own. I've loved Nintendo consoles for most of my gaming youth, however I think it may be time to begin to move on. While the Wii has some great games, it lacks the support of some of the major titles I'd like to be playing.

After the next two weeks are over I should start blogging more frequently, probably mostly about the new 360. My year-end wrap up is still coming too!

One last thing as well. I know I shouldn't take the bait, but my account was selected by Blizzard as one to which they gave a week of free play time in honor of WoW dinging five years old. They expect me to jump in there and get hooked again. And they are probably right. However, I know something they don't know! My main computer can't run WoW anymore! So HA! Blizzard, joke is on you! Though if a Blizzard rep is listening I'll tell you what you can do: buy me a new laptop that can run your game and I will never let my sub slide again.

Talk about securing customer loyalty... Anyway, if I do end up using my seven days it will probably be on our old clunky computer which is a mess to get running, but still runs the game competently. It's like a snowball in one of those old cartoons: once you give it a good shove it starts rolling down the mountain, after a while picking up speed, growing larger.


Still listening to Girl Talk. Illegal Art just re-released another of his older albums and I think they are set to put the first one back out sometime in December. It's interesting to see how he developed as an artist up until Feed the Animals, which is a good jumping off point for a new listener. His work can be found HERE.

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